Skiing and snowboarding is now more rewarding than ever. The Palisades Tahoe app is where the action happens: You track your days on the hill, and we reward you for each achievement you unlock. Seriously. All you have to do is have a great time on the mountain and we'll take care of the rest. Don't forget to explore some of our newly unlocked achievements, like riding the Base to Base Gondola or skiing at both mountains in one day.

Legendary Rewards
The more you explore, the more you earn
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Download the App
Create your account on the Palisades Tahoe mobile app. Be sure to use an email that you will check frequently and continuously have access to so that you don't miss out on rewards.
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Create your account on the Palisades Tahoe mobile app. Be sure to use an email that you will check frequently and continuously have access to so that you don't miss out on rewards.
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Start Tracking
Track your days on the slopes in order to qualify for rewards. It's as easy as turning on your location services and selecting "Start Tracking." rich-text, responsive-table
Track your days on the slopes in order to qualify for rewards. It's as easy as turning on your location services and selecting "Start Tracking." rich-text, responsive-table
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Earn Rewards.
That's right. You earn rewards just for skiing with us. New this season, you can now unlock Legends Club status starting at just 3 days. rich-text, responsive-table
That's right. You earn rewards just for skiing with us. New this season, you can now unlock Legends Club status starting at just 3 days. rich-text, responsive-table
Are you ready to unlock exclusive perks? The opportunities here are nearly endless. You'll be racking up free stuff in no time. Whether it is stickers, discount codes for signature logo wear, food + beverage savings, or tuning deals, there is something fun for you at every turn -- literally. Plus, if you see this thing through to 100 days of skiing or snowboarding, you'll be in the running for a FREE Ikon Pass and a limited-edition apparel item.
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